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What do you know about heart diseases
Did you notice any difference between the meaning of disease , illness or sickness !
Where are you from! do you feel home sick...!
Disease is pathological condition of an organism resulting from various causes infection, genetic, enviromental..etc .Characterized by certain group of symptoms and signs.
So physicians can diagnose diseases through three main items , History, clinical pictures and investigations. History like smoking habits. Do you no that smoking is responsible about most of killing diseases! why you still smoke ! Clinical picture is these symptoms ( said by patient) and signs ( noticed by doctor) which characteristic for every disease .And investigations like blood tests.
Types of diseases
Heart diseases are two mean groups, medical and non medical . Medical group which includes for examples heart failure ( the pump can't do its function). Heart attack due to occlusion of one or more of blood vessels supplying it. Do you see anyone with heart attack ! And Heart arrest which is a real emergency needs from you to know basic life support. click here
Non medical group which our main concern here...!
In their hearts is a disease And God has increased their diseas.
Here we will give only three examples about non medical diseases of heart.
Heart Hardness
Thencefore were your hearts they became like a rock and even worse in hardness.
That hearts which allows you to kill pure children and poor women with a big smile in your face. To do all bad things you can or can't imagine. Can we consider this heart is human one . Even wild animals are kind with their young children.
Heart Blindness
Look for this ball can you see it!
Eye is a precious gift from our Lord , is the organ of vision . And brain translate what we are seeing.
But can we electricity ! Can we see the truth !
Oh, here we are , There are a lot of things we can't see with our eyes. Either we their effect like light for electricity. Or we can see them by our hearts.
Truly it is not their eyes that are blind but their hearts which are in their breasts.
IF your heart is blind how can you see the light of faith..!
Stain and Seal of heart.
We mentioned before that if you made a simple mistake and didn't ask forgiveness form your Lord . This will stain your heart with a small black spot . This spot spread until the whole heart became black .
Remember that you can't stain sea by one drop of ink..!
By no means ! But on their hearts is the stain of the cill which they do.
A seal
is more tight band on heart which keep it away from under standing.
God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing and on their eyes is a veil .
How can we diagnose heart disease.?
No need for a physician to diagnose these non medical heart diseases.
But we can follow the same way.
History: by checking the past and present what I did what I'm doing good or bad.!
Did I were faithful enough for your family, friends and Lord.
Clinical picture: look in the mirror is that the face you know before ! Did hear the opinion of others about you !
Investigations: Can you try a simple experiment! A trial and error method !
Just try to be honest faithful with yourself and your Lord few days , And check you feel happy !
If you have a chance to read a book try to read the translation of Yusuf Ali to the meanings of The Holly Quran .
He said in the meaning of heart illness: The heart of man as created by God is pure and unsullied. Every time than a man does an ill dead it marks a stain or rust on his heart . But on repentance and forgiveness such stain is washed off if there is no repentance and forgiveness the stains deepen and spread more and more until the heart is sealed and eventually the man dies a spiritual death . It is such stains that standing the way of his perceiving truths which are obvious to others. That's why he mocks at truth and hugs falsehood to his bosom.
try to say these words |
always look for useful sites
how deep is Ocean
your heart is deeper |
have a nice day
may be your friend is so near |
Take care
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
enjoy your life |